
Hemorrhoids Risk Factors

Hemorrhoids Risk Factors

For people who have internal Hemorrhoids, accompanied by little or no pain, there is very little risk associated with their condition.  For more pronounced conditions with stronger hemorrhoid symptoms of pain, swelling, bleeding, seepage and discomfort, there are some risks that come with that level of suffering.  Suffering with any pain, or debilitating condition can create stress, and impair immune function.  When bleeding is present with hemorrhoids, the vascular system may be exposed to pathogens, toxins, and bacteria such as e-coli which may further degrade ones health.  Some in the field of health consider that bleeding Hemorrhoids may lead to systemic Candida by exposing a damaged vein to allow Candida yeast to penetrate.

Constipation and Colon Issues can Aggravate Hemorrhiods

Another risk of hemorrhoids not often acknowledged is that a person with Hemorrhoids may actually cause themselves to be constipated through the aversion of the pain that comes with having a bowel movement.  The problem here is that stools can become harder, making the inevitable eventual bowel movement more damaging and painful to the hemorrhoids.  Especially, in individuals who tend towards constipation, they need to be aware that unless that problem is overcome, they may become prone to other types of colon problems such as anal fissures.  It is quite common for constipated people to suffer with anal fissures and hemorrhoids concurrently.

In the extreme, hemorrhoids can lead to severe blood loss, and become abscessed.  Anyone who has these symptoms, or sees their symptoms become more severe, needs to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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