
What is Calcic Gout?

Calcic Gout

You may recognize this form of inflammatory arthritis by a number of names, including pseudogout, calcic gout or calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease. Although the pain associated with pseudogout is similar to that which is caused by uric acid build up in gout sufferers, calcic gout pain is the result of calcium deposits. Similarly, these deposits crystallize around the joints and cause severe attacks of pain. However, suffers of both may find relief from anti-inflammatory natural remedies.


Many gout sufferers feel pain specifically in the joint of their big toe. With calcic gout, pain is usually first felt in the knee. Smaller joints, such as fingers and toes, are generally not affected by these deposits of calcium - it usually sticks to shoulders, wrists and ankles in addition to the knees. It's also not uncommon for pain to strike in multiple joints during an attack.

Those affected by gout attribute it to poor diets, heavy drinking and/or not enough regular exercise. Pseudogout, however, usually develops as people age - especially if they are already dealing with osteoarthritis. Other triggers for elderly patients can include a traumatic event or major surgery. Individuals develop calcic gout pain over the course of days, rather than just a few hours.


If pseudogout goes undetected, it can lead to long term pain and joint deterioration. If you are concerned you may be at risk, check with a professional to rule out other possibilities and them get started on natural remedies to alleviate unnecessary attacks. Your doctor will be able to discuss your symptoms with you to narrow things down. There are also medical tests that can be performed.

Fluid can be taken from the joint(s) experiencing pain or swelling to see if calcium crystals are present. A less invasive option is to have the affected area x-rayed. Professionals will be able to locate any crystals within the surrounding cartilage. In order to rule out gout, rheumatoid arthritis or joint infections, your doctor may want to conduct blood tests.


As calcium deposits cause inflammation to joints, similar to gout, severe bouts of pain develop. This is more severe in pseudogout patients, because as the issue continues, it many eventually destroy the joint. Many anti-inflammatory natural remedies used for relieving gout pain may be beneficial for someone looking to reduce their frequency of calcic gout attacks. If you have been suffering for pseudogout for an extended period of time and joints have started to deteriorate, you may need to consider joint replacement.

Although you may find relief from calcic gout through the use of Western Herbal and Nutrition's Gout-Relief, pay attention to signs your body is giving you. Are your attacks sudden, or does the pain build over the course of a few days? If you're suffering from pain in your knee and/or shoulder, but not your toe, there's a good chance you are suffering from pseudogout and not gout. Due to the danger of deterioration to the joint, you should consult your doctor to pinpoint the exact cause of your pain.


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