Kid's Attention Plus from Western Herbal and Nutriiton

Kid's Attention Plus


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Kid's Attention Plus - 1 oz.

Primary Uses: Poor Concentration and Focus

Properties: Cerebral Vascular Stimulant, Circulatory Stimulant, Adaptogen

Ingredients: Ginkgo Leaf, Fresh Gotu Kola Leaf, Licorice Root, Rhodiola Root, Fresh Lobelia Herb, Vegetable Glycerin, Deionized Water.
Note: First extracted in alcohol to maximize potency, then the alcohol is removed and replaced with a sweet glycerin base.

Formula Ratio: 1:2:6

Serving Size: 391 mg/ml (30 drops = 1 squirt)

Suggested Use: Dosage by weight:

10-30 lb. Use 10-20 drops
31-60 lb. Use 20-40 drops
61-100 lb. Use 40-60 drops
Over 100 lb. Use 60-90 drops:

Use 2-3 times a day or as needed in juice or water. Direct dosing in mouth is OK.

Taste: Sweet with a mild herb taste


Caution: Not to be used if pregnant or nursing. Not for children under 1 year of age.


Related Articles:

Attention Difficulties in Children


Complimentary Formulas:

Kid's Mellow Plus


Blumeenthal M, The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs. Thieme, New York 2003 p. 185-200.
Lkeijnen J, Knipschild P. Gingko biloba for cerebral insufficiency. British Journal Clinical Pharmacology 24:362-8, 192.